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View on catch me application 


Catch me is a new Social Technology by Using Google Maps technology in collaboration with the Egyptian telecommunications companie


In our Social Application we would like to make it easy for the user to find anyone he wants at any time and in any place 


The Application includes so Interesting Options such as ability of sign in and sign up using username and password of Google Account Then the Then the phone starts to connect to the Internet so that the application works and begin to locate the person you're looking for userapplication ask to type 


type the  phone number you want to look for Then the phone starts to connect to the Internet so that the application works and begin to locate the person you're looking for user  On Google Maps with street name where the personThe application put a red mark on this person on the map to make it easy for the user to find the goal that he wantsIn order to make it easier for the user to know the person's steps .


In order to privacy policy can be for someone who is looking for

users of the application to have a freedom of choice that shows its

location on the map or not , and that's where

the application to send a short message to the person asking him to


allow the participation of its current location and sends

him the phone number that want to follow him 

After that person shall have the freedom of choice that allows it or

not, where he if he found the phone number on

the list of names on his phone


After that person shall have the freedom of choice that allows

it or not, where he if he found the phone number on the list of names

on his phone


Can be allowed to show the location of this person either if the

phone number is outside the scope of the list of names

on the person's phone number if he can refuse to show its location for this user, and thus the application provided the user's privacy policy 


Note: The Application Doesn't Work Without Internet And If the person who is looking for his phone closed or out of charger the user will not be able to achieve want he want . 


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